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TRAVEX Tourism Exhibition to Leverage Opportunities for Cambodia

Kuala Lumpur: The ASEAN Travel Exchange (TRAVEX) tourism exhibition is playing a crucial role in creating tourism business opportunities and promoting regional tourism, with a particular focus on showcasing Cambodia’s tourism potential to regional and international markets. The exhibition aims to highlight the diverse attractions Cambodia has to offer, thus boosting its visibility and appeal to global travelers.

According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, the significance of TRAVEX was emphasized in a recent post by the Overseas Marketing and Promotion Department of Cambodia’s Ministry of Tourism. The Cambodian delegation at the event was led by Mr. Long Sokha, Deputy Director General of the General Department of Tourism Development and International Cooperation. Accompanied by 15 tour operators from Cambodia, the delegation participated in the event held from January 15 to 20 in Malaysia.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was presided over by H.E. Dato Sri Tiong King Sing, Malaysian Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister. It saw the participation of leaders, ASEAN tourism ministers, and representatives from various relevant tourism organizations. The forum successfully attracted sellers and buyers from 600 institutions, along with 200 media outlets from 35 countries, highlighting its importance as a major event in the tourism industry.