Samdech Techo Hun Sen: January-7 Spirit Engraved in All Cambodians’ ConscienceMorning temperatures to fall as low as minus 15 C Monday

The January-7 spirit is engraved in the conscience of all Cambodians and has become a force of great national unity to build and defend the heroic homeland, which makes the Cambodian nation move from one victory to another non-stop.

The remarks were…

The January-7 spirit is engraved in the conscience of all Cambodians and has become a force of great national unity to build and defend the heroic homeland, which makes the Cambodian nation move from one victory to another non-stop.

The remarks were made by Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, President of the Supreme Privy Council to His Majesty the King and President of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), at the mass meeting held here at Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Centre this morning in commemoration of the 45th Anniversary of January 7 Victory Day over the Khmer Rouge Genocidal Regime (1979-2024).

‘The January-7 spirit has immortal values for our people to move forward to build a Cambodia of independence, peace, freedom, neutrality, democracy and social progress. At the same time, we must all understand clearly that should there be no peace, there can be no development and everything like we do today. Peace is of the highest value, while destroying peace is not difficult. Making pe
ace is very difficult, otherwise, even taking many generations of the human race would not be able to make peace,’ he said.

Therefore, Samdech Techo Hun Sen added, at whatever price it takes, we must unite as one in order to maintain this hard-won peace for a long time to come, that no power can destroy it.

In this strong position, the CPP would like to congratulate and fully support the decision of the Royal Government through the Sub-Decree No. 01, dated January 1, 2024, setting December 29 every year as the ‘Peace Day in Cambodia,’ the official national holiday in the Kingdom of Cambodia and a public holiday, he continued.

‘The success and happiness of the Cambodian people today really stemmed from the January 7 victory. Without the January 7 victory, we really could not have anything like we do today. This is a historical fact,’ underlined Samdech Techo Hun Sen.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse

SEOUL, Morning temperatures were expected to fall as low as minus 15 C in parts of the country Monday, with daytime highs remaining between minus 1 C and 6 C above zero, forecasts showed Sunday.

Temperatures were forecast to fall as much as minus 15 C in parts of Gangwon Province and 10 C or below in the country’s central region, and parts of North Jeolla and Gyeongsang Provinces.

Daytime temperatures were also expected to dip below zero in major cities, with the temperature in Seoul forecast between minus 9 C and 0 C, minus 9 C and minus 1 C in Incheon, and minus 5 C and 6 C above zero in Busan.

But temperatures were expected to recover to annual average levels Tuesday, with morning temperatures forecast at minus 8 C and 0 C.

Daytime highs were also expected to rise over zero across the country Tuesday, staying between 1 and 9 C above zero.

Source: Yonhap News Agency