S. Korea’s heat-related patients near 2nd-highest record

The total number of heat-related patients surpassed 2,800 on Monday amid an unwavering heat wave, approaching the second-highest record in history, the state disease control agency said.

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency reported 41 ne…

The total number of heat-related patients surpassed 2,800 on Monday amid an unwavering heat wave, approaching the second-highest record in history, the state disease control agency said.

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency reported 41 new patients, bringing the total to 2,814 since May 20, when the agency began monitoring heat-related illnesses for this year. The monitoring will continue until Sept. 30.

This tally is just four short of the 2,818 cases recorded in 2011, which stands as the country’s second-highest heat-related patient record. The highest number was recorded in 2018 with 4,526 cases.

So far this year, 24 patients have died due to extreme heat. Of the total, men accounted for 77.3 percent. People in their 50s and 60s made up 18.7 percent and 18.6 percent of the cases, respectively. By occupation, manual workers represented the largest portion at 22.6 percent.

The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine warned that heat-related illnesses can occur even in the morning hours, as some
people begin working very early to avoid the intense heat later in the day.

Source: Yonhap News Agency