Police to form task force to enhance safety of politicians ahead of elections

SEOUL, Police will form a task force to enhance the safety of lawmakers and politicians ahead of April’s parliamentary elections, following attacks against two high-profile lawmakers, the national police chief said Monday.

Less than a month after Re…

SEOUL, Police will form a task force to enhance the safety of lawmakers and politicians ahead of April’s parliamentary elections, following attacks against two high-profile lawmakers, the national police chief said Monday.

Less than a month after Rep. Lee Jae-myung, chairman of the main opposition Democratic Party, was stabbed in the neck during a visit to the southeastern city of Busan, Rep. Bae Hyun-jin of the ruling People Power Party (PPP) was attacked with a rock by a teenager in Seoul last Thursday.

“A task force will be established between the National Police Agency and each political party to prepare for dangerous situations and share relevant information,” NPA Commissioner General Yoon Hee-keun told reporters after a meeting with PPP lawmakers.

Yoon also mentioned efforts will be made to prevent copycat crimes and to conduct regular screenings for threatening posts online or writing that indicates the possibility of copycat crimes.

“If necessary, we will respond in a manner that includes civil a
ction responsibilities beyond criminal punishment,” he said.

Source: Yonhap News Agency