Petronas Signs Three New Discovered Resource Opportunities Production Sharing Contracts In Peninsular Malaysia

PETRONAS signed Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) for three (3) clusters of Discovered Resource Opportunities (DRO) marketed under the Malaysia Bid Round Plus (MBR+) Round I. These clusters are located offshore Peninsular Malaysia.

Under the Small…

PETRONAS signed Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) for three (3) clusters of Discovered Resource Opportunities (DRO) marketed under the Malaysia Bid Round Plus (MBR+) Round I. These clusters are located offshore Peninsular Malaysia.

Under the Small Field Asset (SFA) Cluster PSC, three (3) fields which consists of Bubu, Bunga Tasbih and Enau fields were awarded to Ping Petroleum Sdn. Bhd. and Duta Marine Sdn. Bhd., while another SFA Cluster PSC signed consists of four (4) fields namely the Puteri, Padang, Penara and North Lukut was awarded to Jadestone Energy (PM) Inc.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency