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Opposition chief whip complains about room being taken over

Parliament, “Pakornwut” complains that in the middle of the House of Representatives, the opposition whip room was seized behind the throne, pointing out that it has become a hostile possession. Only one government MP, “Dr Ong” ordered the room returned, emphasizing that it had to end today.

Meeting of the House of Representatives today (1 Feb.) Mr. Padipat Santipada, First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives. Acting as meeting chairman with an agenda for MPs After consultation, it appeared that Mr. Pakornwut Udompipatsakul, MP, progressive party list As the Chairman of the Opposition Whip, he discussed coordination matters. Between the government whip and the opposition whip, who are quite confused. which during the last parliament There will be a government whip coordination room on the left behind the throne. While the opposition whip’s coordination room is on the right. Currently, the far left belongs to the government whip. But the far right room is the room of one of the coalition governmen
t parties. which had already been discussed to be used as the opposition whip’s room

‘As for the other rooms, who will they belong to? Which room will be used depends on the case. We understand that some people have limitations or desires to use certain rooms. But now there is inequality. between political parties or even MPs together because someone encountered something before, can we use the room next to each other instead? Tell me how you want to decorate it. Which he said that size is not important. Can be used without any problems, but worried that the council’s standards This place is about to be lost. Because it may not just be giving special rights to any one political party. But it is a privilege given to one MP. who wanted to have their own private room behind the throne with followers Therefore, we must discuss this because it is the norm of the House of Representatives and it is a matter for all 500 representatives who must have clear standards. and fair to all parties,’ said the Opposition Chie
f Whip.

Mr. Pakornwut said that it is not just the room behind the throne. Now the room on the 4th floor is the zone of the chairman of the committee. It is understood there are more than 35 rooms, some of which have been given to senior members. This matter he can understand. But it was heard that some members had taken over the vacant rooms. without asking permission and without permission from the president Therefore, I would like to know if it has been agreed that this council also has opposing possession rights or not. Whoever came first opened the empty room and no one was using it. Then go put things away and take them as your own. As for the room on the right behind the throne It is also a case of hostile possession. When the opposition side was switched The government refused to leave. It turns out that both sides belong to the government. There is no room to coordinate. Therefore, the president and the three vice presidents take care to ensure that this place is fair.

While Mr. Padipat said that t
he matter of discussion regarding the possession of other rooms will be examined first. whether it is used incorrectly or not, and a warning will be sent to the Building and Location Security Bureau As for the room behind the throne, it will definitely end today. Please ask the officials to check. If it is as Mr. Pakornwut said, please prepare a room for the opposition to be criticized. Because of the room behind the throne It is for the function of the whip. It does not belong to any one MP. Ready to emphasize that this matter must end today so that there is no need to discuss this matter again.

Source: Thai News Agency