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Cambodian Commerce Delegation Visits Germany’s Federal Cartel Office

A Cambodian delegation led by H.E. BUON Sarakmony, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Commerce, and the Permanent Vice Chair of the Cambodia Competition Commission (CCC), participated in an official study visit to the Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt), Germany’s competition agency, in Bonn, Germany this morning.

The delegation is composed by members of the CCC and officials of the General Department of Consumer Protection, Competition and Fraud Repression (CCF).

According to the Ministry of Commerce, with the support of the GIZ Cambodia, this official study visit was organised for the purpose of acquiring knowledge and experience directly from the above competing agency, focusing on in-depth understanding of the best practices in the organisational structure and effective implementation of the competition law, as well as strengthening cooperation between the two agencies.

Addressing at the opening remarks, H.E. Secretary of State expressed his sincere appreciation to Mr. Frank Tibitanzl, COMPETE
Project Director of GIZ for facilitating the study visit and Prof. Konrad Ost, Deputy Chairman of the Bundeskartellamt, for providing the CCC with an opportunity to learn and gain knowledge and experience from a developed agency. This will enable the CCC to enhance its work processes and become more efficient.

During the visit, representatives from the Bundeskartellamt shared their expertise and insights through presentations on various topics with CEC members, including Structure of the Bundeskartellamt; Horizontal agreement/Cartels: use of economic evidence and presenting economic evidence in Horizontal agreements/Cartel Cases to Decision Makers and Judges, Leniency, Exceptions etc.; Business combinations/Merger Control; Abuses of Market Dominance Position; and Cooperation with other/competition agencies.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse